About 4-H
What is 4-H?
4-H is America’s largest youth development organization—empowering nearly six million young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime.
In 4-H, we believe in the power of young people. We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us.

4-H is Community for ALL Kids
For more than 100 years, 4-H has welcomed young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better.
Through life-changing 4-H programs, nearly six million kids and teens have taken on critical societal issues, such as addressing community health inequities, engaging in civil discourse, and advocating for equity and inclusion for all.
New York State 4-H is a part of Cornell Cooperative Extension and our state office is housed in the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research on the Cornell University campus, in Ithaca, NY.
4-H Programs
In 4-H programs, kids and teens complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture, and civic engagement in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.
Kids experience 4-H in every county and parish in the country through in-school and after-school programs, school and community clubs, and 4-H camps.
Enrollment in 4-H Programs is done through each county's Cooperative Extension Office. Click on the button below to connect with the 4-H Educators in your County.


Within New York State 4-H, we prioritize creating a safe, inclusive space for learning, sharing, and collaboration. This space is welcoming to people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.
Diversity includes, but is not limited to : race, color, religion, political beliefs, national or ethnic origin, immigration status, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, transgender status, sexual orientation, age, marital or family status, educational level, learning style, socio-economic status, physical appearance, body size, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
The NYS 4-H SafeR Space logo is a sign of our commitment to ensuring we do what we can to move towards creating SafeR environments for all participants in NYS 4-H programs. While we won't always get it right, we will do our best to learn from mistakes and use those as teachable moments. You may see it throughout the fair and around the state at many different 4-H programs.
If you want to learn more about creating SafeR and inclusive spaces for youth, we would encourage you to speak with our 4-H advisors, extension educators or state staff members who will be happy to direct you to further resources and training.