Agriculture &
Food Systems
The New York State 4-H Agriculture and Food Systems program engages youth and families in a variety of hands-on activities and experiences that cultivate an increased understanding and appreciation for agriculture and food systems within a positive youth development framework. Rooted in the ecological model of Urie Bronfenbrenner, our Agriculture and Food Systems program is a holistic one that emphasizes complexity of a food system beyond the scope of food production. We promote thinking skills about food from a systems perspective by connecting food systems topics with human health, the environment, economy, and community.
If you have questions about resources in this area, please reach out to
NYS 4-H Health, Wellness, and Food Systems Specialist Dr. Mingla Charoenmuang.
4-H Food Systems PWT
The 4-H Food Systems Program Work Team (PWT) is a collaborative workspace that addresses food systems holistically in terms of health, environmental, social, and economic aspects to help 4-H Educators engage youth in activities and conversations surrounding our food system. The purpose is for youth to recognize connections within the bigger picture, analyze the consequences of the food system, and engage in social issues, which will lead to an understanding of sustainability while becoming more responsible consumers and citizens. For more information on activities of the PWT and opportunities for engagement, please email the co-chairs: Mingla Charoenmuang or Mike Fiorentino.
Learn about other Program Work Teams


Food Systems Exploration
Food Systems Exploration invites youth and their families to think more intentionally about food systems, have meaningful conversations across generations, and use the concepts learned to reconnect with family and the community. Youth will explore the modern food system in the lens of social, environmental, and economic aspects. Youth will recognize how they fit into the modern food system and how they can engage in addressing social issues related to food.
Download a digital copy at Cornell Box or find the series with e-learning modules on the National 4-H Website​
Curbing Our Carbon Appetite
Ag Innovators Experience is an opportunity to develop the workforce skills to feed the planet and will drive youth awareness of, and interest in, agriculture innovation and agriculture careers. The “Curbing Our Carbon Appetite Challenge” focuses on the understanding of the carbon cycle, carbon sequestration, and the important role both the consumer and the producer play in contributing to a healthy, sustainable food supply to feed a growing world. The activity has an agricultural basis that incorporates STEM skills, teamwork, communication, and workforce development. Utilizing teens-as-teachers model, teen leaders participate in 6-hour training and deliver 1-hour activity to youth participants. Program supplies are available for implementation. Visit Cornell Box to download digital copies.

Gardening in a Warming World
Gardening in Our Warming World: Youth Grow! is a model of youth community action in the garden. It offers examples of how youth and their community members can get in monitoring, adapting, and mitigating climate change in the garden.
Vegetable Varieties Investigation
Vegetable varieties investigation (Vvi) is a companion program to Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners (VVfG). It is a unique citizen science program designed to engage youth in horticulture. Participants interview gardeners about their opinions on vegetable varieties, and submit their findings to an online database that serves as a nation-wide online library of vegetable variety data.
Seed to Salad
Seed to Salad is a program of the Ithaca Children’s Garden (ICG) in Ithaca, NY. Seed to Salad is an adaptable project that genuinely engages young people in growing salad gardens of their own.
Project S.O.W:
Food Gardening with Justice in Mind

This curriculum created for educators who work with young people ages 13- 19 centers personal growth, community connection, and equity. In Project S.O.W., youth work together to investigate how to grow food, explore their relationship with the land and food system, and practice leadership in their communities.
4-H Wild Edibles
We are teaching our audience to recognize edible plants that they can consume from the natural environment, which build the idea of food resilience for them to not depend on food distribution from elsewhere. Having the knowledge about the abundance of foods in nature and their utility can help spark interests in conservation. The ratio of leader to youth ages 12 and over is 1:10.
Individuals who are not registered 4-H members or 4-H/CCE leaders, instructors, volunteers are not permitted to participate in the 4-H Wild Edibles program. View the first 12 pages of the Curriculum. For access to full curriculum, 4-H Educators and Volunteers must take training. Contact Mingla at mc2794@cornell.edu for training schedule. To reserve a Wild Edibles Kit, please contact YNOE PWT.​​

To become a 4-H Wild Edibles Instructor >> To become a Level 1 Instructor You must be a 4-H leader who is at least 21 years old and affiliated with CCE. You will be trained in a required 6-hour training, practice teach-back, and pass the Level 1 test. You can deliver the activities to 4-H enrolled youth, ratio of leader to youth is 1:10. You will own a printout copy of the curriculum but cannot share it. You must return the curriculum to the NYS 4-H Office if you leave CCE. You cannot train other people to use the curriculum. Refresher training is required every five years or until a new edition of curriculum is completed. To become a Level 2 Instructor You must have completed Level 1 training. You will be trained in a minimum of 4 hours of training that covers adult training planning and risk management. You will practice another teach-back and pass the Level 2 test. You can provide Level 1 six-hour training for Youth Assistants and 4-H Leaders who are at least 21 years old. You may request a digital copy of the curriculum from John Bowe but can only print and share with Level 1 Instructors (not Youth Assistants) that you have trained. You cannot train anyone else to be a Level 2 Instructor. Refresher training is required every five years or until a new edition of curriculum is completed. To become a Level 3 Instructor Level 3 Instructors can lead Level 2 training. You can apply by submitting a cover letter, resume, and a letter of recommendation from your CCE Association to the State 4-H Office. If selected as a candidate, you must complete Level 2 training, pass the Level 2 test, and apprentice under a Level 3 Instructor for 1 year. You are required to teach with a Level 3 Instructor at least once during your candidacy. You must also consistently offer Level 1 training, some of which will be audited by an approved evaluator, and consistently be involved in working with youth on the topic of Wild Edibles. You will be asked to regularly serve on the committee that revises the curriculum and plans the training, which meets twice a year. Level 3 Instructors will assess the candidate’s proficiency in utilizing all resources effectively and review their work to ensure alignment with the program’s mission and values. The committee reserves the right to reject any applicants and candidates. Youth Assistants Youth who are currently enrolled in 4-H, ages 14 and older, are trained in a required 6-hour training. They should pass the Level 1 test by borrowing the curriculum from their supervisor. They can assist the Level 1 Instructor to deliver the activities in the curriculum, but they must not own a copy of a curriculum or lead the activities without the Level 1 Instructor’s supervision. They will receive a 4-H Wild Edibles Project Guide to accompany their teaching.

4-H Outdoor Cooking
This guide is meant to provide 4-H members and their instructors with the necessary information and guidance with which they can then lead youth in developing their skill in outdoor cooking. The guide also contains field-tested recipes that are not only delicious, but are healthy, too. Since some of our 4-H’ers are vegetarians or vegans, or consume gluten-free diets, recipes that meet those characteristics are included. Visit Cornell Box to download a digital copy.
Ag In the Classroom
The National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix is an online, searchable, and standards-based curriculum map for K-12 teachers. The Matrix contextualizes national education standards in science, social studies, and nutrition education with relevant instructional resources linked to Common Core Standards. Ag in the Classroom also provides resources for students, such as Career Seeker, Ag Games, and Virtual Tours.

Monthly 4-H Ag & Food Systems Program Ideas
Join Mingla in the virtual series, Monthly 4-H Ag & Food Systems Program Ideas. Every third Friday of the month at noon, come discuss resources and best practices under the agriculture and food systems topics with your 4-H colleagues. The registration link will be sent out through listserv for each session.
Mingla Charoenmuang (NYS 4-H) shared some key elements of Thai cooking and highlighted some dishes that incorporate products locally grown and raised in New York. Chrys Nestle (CCE Washington) walked through Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness (CHFFF) curriculum for youth 8-15 years old and Teen Cuisine for grades 6-12. We had a discussion on what to use to substitute ingredients and other resources for nutrition and culinary programming.
February 16th, 12pm: Thai Cooking with Youth

Agriculture In the Classroom (AITC) programs increase agricultural literacy through Pre-K through 12 education. In this session, Katie Carpenter, the director of NYAITC to shared about the program and importance of building agricultural literacy, show the accessible and open-source tools, and discuss other opportunities that are available to 4-H educators.
March 15th, 12pm: Using Ag in the Classroom Resources in 4-H Programs

A 4-H'er, Robbie, shared his direct experience with 4-H Wild Edibles Program, followed by a presentation from Pat Banker of CCE Franklin and John Bowe of CCE Warren discussing the importance of engaging youth in environmental education, identifying wild plants, and knowing how to utilize them as food. With updates of resources such as 4-H Wild Edibles Curriculum (aimed for youth ages 12 and older), 4-H Project Guide, and the curriculum training for educators. You’ll also learn about wild plants available at this time of the year.
April 19th, 12pm: Teaching Youth About Wild Edibles

Let's celebrate summertime with activities in the gardens. Gardening skills are proven by studies to keep youth engaged in their learning experiences. Research shows gardening increases emotional health and wellbeing, develops stronger connections to nature and food systems, and increases environmental behaviors. In this session, Ashley Miller Helmholdt of Cornell Garden-Based Learning highlighted resources that Cornell Garden-Based Learning has developed for the youth audience.
June 14th, 12pm: Youth Garden-Based Activities

Mingla Charoenmuang (NYS 4-H) introduced interactive activities from the Food Systems Exploration curriculum. Designed for youth (grades 7-10) and families, these activities investigate the interconnection of modern food systems. Discover how these engaging exercises encourage critical thinking, community connections, and reflections on sustainability. Real-life examples of how educators have implemented this curriculum to inspire change in local communities were shared.​
July 19th, 12pm: Exploring Modern Food Systems with Hands-On Activities

September 20th, 12pm: Engaging Fairgoers: Interactive Activities and Demos
As the fair season wraps up, let’s come together to share ideas on designing engaging activities in agriculture and food systems for participants, especially youth. Join Mingla Charoenmuang (NYS 4-H) to discuss strategies, exchange experiences, and explore how Extension can create impactful, interactive experiences. Your insights and ideas are welcome as we reflect on and enhance our approach.

An interview with Susan Hoskins, Director of the Institute for Resource Information Sciences. Renowned for creating engaging 4-H activities in geospatial science, Susan discussed how her resources enhance agricultural learning. From soil painting and robotics in orchards to exploring Artificial Intelligence, she showcased innovative ways to inspire youth in learning about food and agriculture. ​
Oct 18th, 12pm: Integrating Geospatial Science in 4-H Agriculture