About Our Camps
Camping is kids learning about leadership, caring, and community through activities like swimming, boating, creative arts, leadership, backpacking, fishing, and archery. Although the activities change from camp to camp, the results are the same- learning by doing, and having non-stop FUN!
There are day and overnight 4-H Camps throughout New York State, serving campers from every county in the state. 4-H Camps are open to all young people, whether or not they are enrolled as 4-H members. Camps offer traditional Resident Camp programs, Day Camps and shortened overnight programs for younger campers. In addition, several camps are offering Specialty Camps such as 4-H Science Camps, or programs for unique audiences (Autism, At-Risk Youth, and more).
NYS 4-H Camp Specialist
Shawn Tiede
Phone: 585-343-3040 x127
New York State 4-H camps are members of the American Camp Association (ACA). Membership in ACA provides us with many outstanding resources for our staff and campers. For more information on ACA please visit www.acacamps.org.

The mission of New York State 4-H Camps are to provide a positive learning environment (in an outdoor setting) focusing on community building, friendships, fun, healthy living, and give hands-on learning experiences that help campers grow, belong, and thrive.
A community in which campers and mentors grow and learn together creating happy, successful, and engaged individuals.
NYS 4-H Camps reflect the principles of positive youth development, experiential learning, growth mindset, and the importance of having fun.
NYS 4-H Camps encourages positive mentoring relationships by connecting campers to staff focused on youth development.
NYS 4-H Camps promotes the development of skills that help young people succeed by offering workforce development training and skills.
NYS 4-H Camps is committed to achieving an inclusive and safe community of staff, volunteers and program participants that reflects the diversity of New York State.
NYS 4-H Camps creates opportunities for youth to have a voice in the development and evaluation of the program.
NYS 4-H Camps each individually reflect the local needs and culture while also preparing youth for success in a diverse and changing world.
NYS 4-H makes STEAM come alive by connecting youth to research based curriculum and activities focused on skill building and fun.
Camps in NY
Camp Map
4-H Camp Bristol Hills | 4-H Camp Overlook | 4-H Camp Owahta | 4-H Camp Shankitunk |
4-H Camp Wabasso | Dorothy P. Flint Nassau County 4-H Camp |
Hidden Valley 4-H Camp | Peconic Dunes 4-H Camp
4-H Camp Beechwood | North Wind Farm Day Camp | Suffolk County Farm & Education Center |
Outdoor Adventure @ Dyken Pond | Primitive Pursuits | Sea Adventures | Niagara Summer Day Camp
Sea Stars | Sea Explorers | Onondaga County Parks 4-H Camps | Madison County 4-H Day Camp |
4-H Camp Explore | Bayside Adventures Marine Camp | Groton Summer Camp