May 12, 2022 - UPDATES on Booth Space, Project Numbers, County Days Present, Parking, Dorms, and Evaluations.

Booth Space/Project Numbers
Booths are all going to be 10 ft deep and the length is determined by the number of projects in 2019. (For Reference, in the past most booth spaces were 22 ft X 10 Ft) Images are attached of the Youth Building floor plan.)
Western District – Booth Space will be 75 ft X 10 ft (Space A1)
Project numbers in 2019 = 686
Fingerlakes District – Booth Space will be 60 ft X 10 ft (Space B3)
Project numbers in 2019 = 528
North Central District – Booth Spac
e will be 30 ft X 10 Ft (Space B1)
Project Numbers in 2019 = 254
North County District – Booth Space will be 25 ft X 10 Ft (Space B2)
Project Numbers in 2019 = 140
Capital District – Booth Space will be 35 ft X 10 Ft (Space A2)
Project Numbers in 2019 = 329
South Central District – Booth Space will be 45 ft X 10 Ft (Space C1)
Project Numbers in 2019 = 404
South East District – Booth Space will be 35 ft X 10 ft (Space A3)
Project numbers in 2019 = 291
As a district, you will determine how the booths will be set up. We still have pegboards and stair displays as well as the majority of other “furniture” that has been available in the past.
Number of days that a county is present
This is determined by the participating counties. County Educators, staff, and volunteers can plan accordingly so that staff time, travel, and availability can be considered and accommodated. Counties that need to leave early/move in late need to communicate those needs as soon as possible so the logistics of delivery can be negotiated with the State Fair.
This is still being discussed and worked on with State Fair. All parking passes at this time will be digital or something that counties can print for participants.
I am meeting with the Onondaga Health Dept next week and should have more concrete information soon. At this time we are planning for the dorms to be open, but we may need to operate at 50% capacity. I have been to the SF grounds and done a walk-through. Currently, SF has installed more bed rails, they have built changing rooms, and frosted windows. They will be painting bathrooms and other areas, replacing carpeting, fixing roof leaks, and addressing fans and lights that have not been working.
Wendy Richardson is working out all these details and recruiting evaluators. We are planning to have the majority of evaluations completed during the 1st 5 days of the fair (8/24 – 8/28) and then catch any late arrivals or missed projects over the labor day weekend. We are still negotiating and working on the plan for perishable items (baked items and horticulture).
Claudia Hitt has communicated that she plans to evaluate the majority of horticulture exhibits on August 23/24 and then Sept 2/3 and she will catch any stragglers when they arrive but would appreciate the arrival plan for those as soon as known.
Evaluations will be taking place either in the booth space or in an adjacent space to the booth that has been designated for evaluation to reduce the need to move projects out of the booth space.