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3rd Annual 4-H Livestock Summit starts this month


The 3rd Annual NYS 4-H Livestock Summit is fast approaching! Please spread far and wide across NY so no one misses out on this great opportunity!

The summit is completely virtual, from January-March, covering the four main livestock species through eight sessions. For a minimal fee of $10, youth receive access to all the sessions and a giveaway entry to every session they attend. We also send each youth something at the very end as a token of participation.

If your county would like to cover the fee for any youth from your area that signs up, please let me know BEFORE you send out the registration link. I can make a new registration line specifically for your county and then directly bill you at the end of the Summit.

Please put in your newsletters or pass on to anyone you feel may be interested!

The flyer is attached, but here is the direct link to sign up:

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