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CCE Equine Nutrition Webinar Series

The Equine Subgroup of the statewide Cornell Cooperative Extension Livestock Program Work Team is hosting a 3-part nutrition webinar series. Each presentation will be held from 6:30-7:30 PM EST. Each presentation has its own registration link and you will receive a Zoom link upon confirmation of your registration.

Wednesday, April 13th - Equine Nutrition: Equine Metabolic Diseases and Common Pitfalls When Feeding Horses - Dr. Lindsay Goodale, Lecturer- Cornell CALS

Description: Dr. Goodale will describe some common issues we encounter when feeding horses, including dealing with equine metabolic diseases, obesity, gastric ulcers, and other challenging scenarios. We'll also discuss some behavioral considerations that can influence our feeding approaches.

Wednesday, May 11th - Pasture Management - Ken Estes, Jr., Ag Program Leader- CCE Livingston

Description: In this session we will explore the best management practices to provide and maintain forage for your livestock in this case horses in a pasture. With topics including soil health, plant selection, loading density, mowing, dragging, resting, fertilizing, and weed control. We will also look at new trends in pasture design with dry lots and track pastures.

Wednesday, June 8th - Forage Analysis - Sarah E. Fessenden, Business Development Manager, Forage and Soils- Dairy One and Lynn Bliven, Ag & Natural Resources Issue Leader- CCE Allegany

Description: The cost per ton or bale is not an indicator of value. Forage analysis will make it easier to match nutrient requirements for your horses. Join Sarah E. Fessenden and Lynn Bliven for a discussion on interpreting forage analysis reports and factors that impact the evaluation of hay quality.

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