NEW Volunteer Engagement Listserv
Would you like to be added to the Volunteer Engagement Listserv to receive updates and new opportunities to support your work with volunteers? Submit a Request to be added to the Volunteer Engagement Listserv and share with any colleagues engaging volunteers in the CCE mission.
Volunteer Engagement Survey
Our volunteers extend and amplify the efforts of the Cornell Cooperative Extension mission. They improve the quality of our work and increase enthusiasm for our programs throughout the state. We're seeking your input to better support Associations in engaging volunteers. We hope you will share your thoughts here or reach out to schedule a time to share your thoughts through conversation.
Upcoming Volunteer Engagement Staff Events
4-H Clover Academy: Join the Northeast Region for Volunteer Development 101 on December 8th from 9 am - Noon for an introduction to the model used to across the extension system to engage volunteers. This session is part of a quarterly onboarding series for New 4-H staff coordinated by the Northeast Region Program Leaders and facilitated by the Northeast Region Volunteer Team. Learn More Here
4-H Volunteer Connection Series: Join us for Growing Life Skills Through Animal Science on January 25th from 6-8:30pm. This series is offered by the Northeast Region Volunteer Team to provide professional development and networking opportunities for 4-H Volunteers across the Northeast. Open to both volunteers and staff. You can find complete details and registration here.
Achieving the Extension Mission Through Volunteers Course: Join the North Central 4-H Region for a deep dive into volunteer engagement through an online cohort course. This experience is valuable for Extension professionals working with volunteers to help enhance and deliver Extension programs. Learn More Here
Kelly M. Campbell
Volunteer Engagement Specialist
Cornell Cooperative Extension Administration
365 Roberts Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
607.253.2013 (t)
607.765.7634 (c)