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Courtney Livecchi

My Hometown is Cool: National Pilot Invitation

West Virginia University is partnering with the Extension Foundation to host a National Pilot of the “My Hometown is Cool!” program. My Hometown is Cool! takes a multidisciplinary approach to youth engagement by combining community development and entrepreneurial thinking.


Participating 6th-12th grade students complete a series of four lessons, then share their ideas for community projects through a pitch competition. Winning teams receive funding to turn their ideas into reality in their hometown. The program has reached over 850 student in West Virginia and awarded 11 community mini-grants.


The My Hometown is Cool team is looking for an Extension partner in five Extension Regions to collaborate on a National Program Pilot during the 2024-2025 school year. As part of this process, the team is awarding five $2,500 mini-grants to support the delivery of the program.


Monday, March 18th, 2024 by 11:59pm: Partner applications due

April 1, 2024: Partners announced/notified

May 15, 2024: Team Meeting /Orientation

August 2024-December 2024: Delivery of My Hometown is Cool Lesson series

January 2025-April 2025: Implementation of mini-grant project

May 15, 2025: Final report due.

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