The NYS 4-H Horse Program is now offering an art program, like static exhibits, but all relating to the horse project! The art will be displayed at the NYS Fair, this will be an exhibition and pieces won’t be evaluated but youth will get to receive premiums for displaying pieces. The work will be displayed in our own NYS 4-H 4-H For Horses Barn on the grounds.
Below you will find the rulebook for the art program along with the entry forms. Please share with your youth! On the forms there is a spot for educator signature/approvals.
Youth can bring their own projects OR they can be brought with their county projects that are going into the youth building. All educators with youth who have art submissions and youth/families who have submissions will receive an email once the deadline to submit entry forms has passed with more information on drop off timeframes and pick up timeframes!
Please contact Jessica Tyson with any questions at jms943@cornell.edu