To commemorate Pride Month, National 4-H Council will celebrate individuality and inclusion by highlighting LGBTQIA+ youth and alumni stories of support, inclusion, and impact across our national 4-H social media channels. The promotions are part of the #Thisis4H campaign, which was introduced with February’s Black History Month celebration. #Thisis4H recognizes and reinforces our commitment to DEI and moments that are uniquely 4-H. As we start Pride Month, we are sharing several resources to help you feel more informed, prepared, and ready to engage (if you choose) in the promotions throughout the month:
This is 4-H Pride 2022 Digital Marketing Plan - a high-level overview of the national promotion, including goals, performance objectives, sample messaging and creative.
4-H Pride Month Social Media Playbook - Developed with the input of the National 4-H Crisis Strategy Team, AEBC/LBTGQ+ Champions Group and Porter-Novelli, the Playbook is a tool you can use to proactively prepare your social media teams for potential issues and pushback related to Pride month content (whether it's Council created or developed by your own institution). With guidance and support from the 4-H PLWG and LGBTQ+ Champions Group, Council will also make this playbook available to local 4-H professionals as part of the This is 4-H Pride Month: 2022 Social Media Toolkit at as well via the 4-H Design Community on Canva. The Tuesday, 5/31, edition of 4-H Professionals News and Notes will include a link to the toolkit and reference to the Playbook
4-H Pride Month Information Session - A link to the May 18th session recording is here in case you missed it and would like to review.
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