May 6-8, 2022, 4-H Camp Shankitunk

The STARR 2022 registration is officially live. Please complete the online registration + the state event online permission form. Registration closes on April 20, 2022, please note the new location, we are limited to 150 participants in total, and you will be choosing your first, second, and third choice of program tracks!
STARR, also known as the State Teen Action Reps Retreat, is typically an annual weekend experience for 4-H teens from across New York State to get together to build leadership skills as well as network with peers and adults from across the state. STARR encompasses the best of team-building activities, youth community action & youth-adult partnerships in one fun-filled, fast-paced weekend. Participants gain new skills and knowledge by attending workshops of their choice that reflect our mission mandates in civic engagement, STEM, and sustainable food systems and participating in awesome community services activities!
STARR 2022 Program List
Friday, May 6
5:30 pm | Arrival & Registration |
6:00 pm | Dinner |
6:45 pm | Opening Ceremony |
7:30 pm | Roundtable #1 (1 hour) |
8:30 pm | Friday Night Activity |
10:15 pm | Free Time & Snacks |
11:00 pm | LIGHTS OUT |
Saturday, May 7
7:30 am | Breakfast |
8:30 am | Roundtable #2 (40 min) |
9:10 am | Long Workshop (session 1) |
10:10 am | Free Time |
11:00 am | Short Workshop #1 |
12:00 pm | LUNCH |
12:50 pm | Roundtable #3 (40 min) |
1:30 pm | Long Workshop (session 2) |
3:00 pm | Free Time & Snacks |
4:20 pm | Roundtable #4 (40 min) |
5:00 pm | Prepare for Dinner |
5:30 pm | County Photos |
6:15 pm | BBQ |
7:15 pm | Keynote Performance |
8:15 pm | Dance |
8:15 pm | Movies & Board Games |
10:45 pm | Free Time & Snacks |
Sunday, May 8