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State Fair Updates

As of June 10, 2022

Premium Book

The Youth Building premium book has finally had its last edits and is available for download. The information in this book is up to date as of today! The schedules have been removed as there are still a lot of competitions and such being negotiated, but in the essence of time we could not delay this being shared any longer. The only section that contains significant changes is the photography section. These changes were supposed to go into effect in 2020.

Green Cards

Please check your offices to see what your supply of green cards looks like. State Fair is not mailing ANYTHING to counties. I have secured the last of the green exhibitor cards from the Youth building and can send them out to counties that are in need. We will be transitioning away from these cards in the near future so there were no additional cards printed and we are trying to use what we have. I will also have an electronic version available if absolutely necessary. Please remember that every exhibit being evaluated MUST have a signed and fully completed green card.

Exhibit Lists

(Formally known as Master Lists), this document has not changed significantly and you will still need 3 copies when submitting exhibits for evaluation. We will be making sure the necessary edits are made shortly and when it is ready we will share and post for use.


Dorms will be open. We are working through the requirements, but the dorms will be open. We have to limit our capacity (which will not affect us greatly). County groups will be encouraged to stay grouped together within their selected dorm space. More will be shared soon once details have been finalized.

Parking and Passes

I am working with State Fair on how they would like us to share/collect the credentials needed for each county. These items are now digital and codes must be assigned. I am working with the entry office on how to make this transition as smooth as possible and mitigate as many potential challenges as possible. Stay tuned, more to come on this soon.

Booth Space

Please keep me in the loop on your planning efforts and do not hesitate to ask me questions or clarifications. I am here to help. It is important that we know your plans for bringing perishable items to the fair so that we can negotiate this and get them evaluated. This is a learning curve for everyone and communication is the key to its success.

Booth Activities

We encourage districts/counties to have hands-on activities of some sort, recognizing that this will be based on the comfort of those in the booth and their interaction with the public. IF activities will be offered it is highly recommended that individuals wear masks while interacting with the public. The booth premium will still be available to counties that have activities and their space meets the requirements (more specifics coming soon).

Youth Building Schedule and Competitions

Many of these details are still being worked out as we figure out what is possible and whom will be the coordinators/organizers for these areas of interest.

Animal Science

As you may know Dana Palmer has retired. I am working to collect schedules for the Animal Shows and such. It is best to keep checking with the NYS Fair website under competitions as I know that information has been shared there, I am just not sure when they plan to upload it to the website. I will keep you all posted as I received any information that is helpful.


© 2023 New York State 4-H Youth Development, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, Cornell University. All Rights Reserved. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. 4-H is the youth development program of our nation's Cooperative Extension System and USDA.

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Land Acknowledgement

Cornell University is located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ' (the Cayuga Nation). The Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ' are members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, an alliance of six sovereign Nations with a historic and contemporary presence on this land. The Confederacy precedes the establishment of Cornell University, New York state, and the United States of America. We acknowledge the painful history of Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ' dispossession, and honor the ongoing connection of Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ' people, past and present, to these lands and waters.

This land acknowledgment has been reviewed and approved by the traditional Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ' leadership. Learn more

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