Be a Hunger Hero! Join the World Food Prize’s 2022 New York Youth Institute at Cornell
University on Friday, March 25th! The New York Youth Institute (NYYI) is a career development experience hosted at Cornell University for New York high school students to spend a day engaging with leading experts on critical global challenges, join in educational activities, and explore exciting ways to make a difference in New York and around the world.
Ninth through twelfth-grade students are eligible to participate.
Students research a global issue and write a paper under the guidance of a mentor (e.g., teacher, coach, parent).
Registration and participation are free; travel to Cornell University is not covered by the NYYI.
Participants explore global problems; collaborate with other passionate youth on solutions; meet world-class experts; grow professional networks; gain research and public speaking experience; earn recognition as Borlaug Scholars, and
qualify for internships and further opportunities.
Online registration and paper submission are due February 21st.
Share our 2022 NYYI flyer and learn more at www.worldfoodprize.org/newyork. Final Note: We’re seeking the support of faculty, staff, graduate students, and other local professionals to provide the NYYI high school participants feedback on their paper presentations during roundtables at the March 25th event. Interested folks may volunteer to be one of our roundtable expert panelists. Please reach out to NYYI Coordinator Polly E. Holmberg with your interest and questions.