The Youth Advocates for Community Health (YACH) initiative creates youth-adult partnerships that allows youth to lead and generate energy among their peers (and adults) to improve the health in their community in ways that matter to them.

UW Extension provides a YACH guidebook filled with resources for planning a youth-led community health project. The projects focus on making the healthy choice the easy choice in a community.
In addition to a guidebook, there will be a professional development opportunity:
Youth Advocates for Community Health (YACH) 101 Session
May 25, 2022 12:00 PM in Eastern Time
Register by May 23, 2022 at
You will be able to guide a youth-led project through the five steps of action:
Choose your Battle – assess the health in your community and narrow down to one area of focus
Raise Awareness – speak with community partners to learn about their work and build support
Make your action plan- develop a plan for your project
Implement your plan – follow the action plan to complete the project
Evaluate your plan – assess your project and how you want to move forward