As in years past, we will have teen and youth leader opportunities available to youth (more info can be found below). As stated in the premium book there is a premium $$ attached to these opportunities. To register youth and teens for these opportunities please use the following link:
YOUTH LEADERS (age 9-12)
Paid Youth Leader positions are limited to 4-H members who are 9 - 12 years of age (4-H age as of January 1st of the current year)
Volunteer Youth Leaders are welcome. No premium paid.
Selected by 4-H Specialists and Staff.
Participate in educational opportunities.
Will work a minimum of 3 hrs. per day.
Receive a premium of $6 for each day worked.
Pre-registration by their county educator with State 4-H Office or area superintendent is strongly recommended.
Youth Leaders require the supervision of their county educator or designated volunteer.
Opportunities for Youth Leaders aged 9 – 12 (based on their 4-H age) include: County Booth
TEEN LEADERS (age 13-19)
Paid Youth Leader positions are limited to 4-H members who are 13 years of age and not have reached their 19th birthday by January 1 of the current year.
Volunteer Teen Leaders are welcome. No premium paid.
Selected by 4-H Specialists and Staff.
Participate in educational opportunities.
Will work a minimum of 6 hrs. per day.
Receive a premium of $12 for each day worked.
Pre-registration by their county educator with State 4-H Office or area superintendent is strongly recommended.
Opportunities for Youth Leaders age 13 – 19 (based on 4-H age) include: Evaluations, Fashion Revue, Poultry Science, Dairy, Horse, Robotics, Project Evaluation, GPS/GIS, Shooting Sports, The Great 4-H Cook Off, County Booth Displays, Horticulture, Goat, Visual Arts/Photograph
NOTE: Exhibitor Entry Cards are not needed for Youth/Teen Leaders. In order for premium payment to be made, names of Youth/Teen Leaders must be listed on a Premium Report for each program in which youth/teens participate. Completed Premium Reports are to be brought to the 4-H office in the Youth Building the morning of the last day of each rotation. The categories of Youth/.Teen Leader activity participation is based on age.
Junior Superintendents are NEEDED! Junior supers work directly with the State 4-H staff to support all that happens in the youth building and are paid a daily premium. Shifts are a min of 5 days and can be as long as 15 days. Please use the following link for all youth ages 16-19 that wish to apply.