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YQCA year ends September 30, 2024

The YQCA year ends September 30, 2024.

YQCA will suspend all access for state contacts and YQCA instructors at that time. Here is everything you need to know to renew your role with YQCA.

YQCA Instructors

To be a YQCA instructor, you must be affiliated with an organization that has an agreement with YQCA. Once your organization has signed the annual ILT agreement and approved you to be added as an instructor by submitting your information to the YQCA program manager, you will receive an email inviting you to create a YQCA profile. If you already have a YQCA profile, you will be prompted to complete the instructor-led training module. Once this module is completed, you can access the Instructor Resource page, where you will find the updated curriculum, facilitator guide, slide decks, and additional support and help documents. If your organization has signed the ILT agreement and submitted your information to YQCA before October 1, you will receive the invitation to complete your training via email on or shortly after October 1. 

State/Organization Contacts with Instructor-Led Training Agreements

To regain access to the state/organization contact portal on the YQCA platform, you must have a signed 2024-25 ILT agreement and provide your instructor list to YQCA. If you have already completed these tasks, you will receive an email in the first week of October inviting you to complete a training module. Once complete, you will regain access to the YQCA state contact portal, where you can add/remove instructors and pull quarterly demographic reports. You can only access this portal once you have submitted your signed agreement and approved instructor list to

Organizations with Data Sharing Agreements

Those representing organizations with data-sharing agreements with YQCA will receive an email inviting you to regain access to the YQCA platform on or shortly after October 1, 2024. You will be required to complete an online training regarding COPPA before you can regain access to the YQCA system. Once you have completed the training module, you can download reports for your state or organization again. 

NEW: Instructor Boot Camp

Starting in October, YQCA will also offer a free “Instructor Bootcamp” to all YQCA instructors. This 10-minute online course can help instructors enhance their facilitation skills and will be accessible through the Instructor Resource page.

More information about these roles and the new features available through YQCA can be found here.  


Please reach out to if you have any questions.  


Thank you for your support of YQCA.

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