Youth and Teen Leader Opportunities
People often say to State Fair 4-H Staff, “Seems like wherever we go at the Fair, we see 4-Hers. How do you do it?” Teen Power, that’s how! Nearly 500 4-H teens serve in leadership roles at The Fair annually as Teen Leaders—giving public presentations, helping with evaluations, writing the fair news, welcoming the public to the Youth Building, involving fairgoers in hands-on activities, overseeing the Incubation and Embryology demonstration area, and more.
4-H Teen Leaders are virtually everywhere on the grounds. Although teens only receive a small premium for serving in leadership roles, most teens agree they do it for the fun and the experience. Without our cadre of Teen Leaders, the 4-H exhibits at the State Fair wouldn’t be early as interactive or as full of the vibrancy of our young people. We welcome your participation this year, hope that your experience is an excellent one, and that you will reflect on it often for years to come.

County Display Leaders (9+)
Teens/Youth can get involved as a leader at State Fair is by serving as a leader in your county’s booth. County Display Leaders conduct hands-on activities throughout the day and will have a high level of interaction with the public. Teens/youth in these roles need not be nominated, BUT must be the appropriate age to participate as a leader in a minimum of 3-hour shift (ages 9-12) or 6-hour shifts (ages 13+), and follow the same rules as the Teen Leaders/Teen Evaluators. Display Leaders are selected at the county level, so there is no nomination form to turn in to the State 4-H Office. Not every county chooses to participate in this opportunity, so check with your County Educator about the possibilities.
Teen Evaluator Role (13+)
Teens usually serve three to four days of their rotation in a specific program area, but it could be less depending on need.
The number of Teen Evaluators and the days needed varies, depending on the project area and the total number of exhibits to be judged. For example, foods and clothing evaluations usually take place on different days; the same teen(s) may serve as a Teen Evaluator for both, but on different days. Some Teen Evaluators may not be scheduled to participate as a TE all four days of Fair.
Depending on the needs for general Teen Leader/Evaluator positions, not all teens applying may be assigned a position. When this happens, we encourage County Educators to schedule teens to serve in the County Booth or other program areas.

4-H Dog Science (Cynology) Display Teen Leader (13+)
Help promote the NYS 4-H Dog Program, Responsible Pet Care, and Engage the Public in Dog Science! Teens
gain valuable skills that enable them to effectively approach the public, gather and organize information, obtain answers for questions, or refer the public to other sources for further information. Teens can expect to be treated as young adults and are responsible for maintaining schedules of volunteers and care for live animals that may be utilized during their time period. Teens also have the chance to meet a variety of people while enjoying the NYS Fair. An outcome goal is to allow youth to run the exhibit with minimum adult instruction.
1. Experience raising and training dogs or a passion for learning about dogs.
2. Ability to lift a medium sized dog/display materials >50 pounds.
4-H GPS/GIS Science Teen Leader (13+)
Great opportunity to share individual/group talent with a general audience, and to get people excited about all that 4-Hers can do with maps and other GIS/GPS science.
Opportunity for 4-H Teens to show the public the many ways 4-H offers real life learning experiences through 4-H Geospatial Technology and to showcase completed 4-H GIS and GPS Science projects.
Serve as 4-H hosts to greet public and encourage them to learn about 4-H Community Mapping Projects.
Get fair visitors involved with hands-on interactive GIS computer activities (Arc GIS On line, Pictometry Online, and Google Earth); possibly involve families in simple geocaching experiences on the NYS Fair Grounds
Showcase local, regional, and national partners who are working to help 4-H kids learn how geospatial science can help make our communities better places to live. Some partners are: Cornell University; ESRI; National Geographic Society, and Pictometry Inc.

4-H Shooting Sports (13+)
• Responsible for the presentation of the 4-H Shooting Sports Program via the laser shot, interactive project activities, and displays.
• Expected to interact with fairgoers in a positive manner encouraging them to actively participate and receive appropriate giveaways.
• Will manage the exhibit with minimal adult instruction using leadership and technical skills.
• Increase public awareness of NYS 4-H Shooting Sports Program, firearm safety, and CCE Natural Resources
• Minimal computer skills needed.
• Operation of the laser shot.
• Presentation of a hands-on activity to young people viewing the exhibit.
• Distribution of program specific materials.
• Discuss 4-H Shooting Sports and Natural Resource programs.
Poultry and Avian Sciences (13+)
• Responsible for the care & maintenance of the exhibit, including care of the numerous live animal displays, operation of the commercial incubator, general clean-up, paper, and most importantly, contact with fair-goers.
• This opportunity is open to all youth who have anything from a passing interest in birds to the most experienced breeder.
• All teens will gather for clean up at 8:30 AM, the beginning of each TL day. Updates and other details for the day will be provided at this time.
• Four hours daily will be spent out in front of exhibit answering questions.
• Teens will learn how to fill out appropriate paper work.
• Three teens will assist with the judging contest tabulating scores, registering contestants, and serving as timers.
• Teens will gain brooder, incubator, and other exhibit equipment operating skills.
Teens may serve as a TL any time during the Fair. Doing so during the four days that his or her own county is at State Fair is the best option for everyone. Approximately ten youth per day are required.

Event Assistant (13+)
State Fair offers youth a variety of opportunities to explore opportunities for growth and learning. Teens may choose to assist with a specific youth building event working directly with the adult key leader.
Teens will be responsible for assisting with the set up, taking direction during the event, awards and clean up at the conclusion of the event. Teens leaders may be asked to act as the MC for the event or run errands as appropriate and needed.
Events Needing Teen Leaders:
Cupcake Challenge TBD
Great 4-H Cook Off (8/25)
WHEP (8/23)
Fashion & Textile Revue (9/1)
PiNY (8/28 and/or 8/29)
4-H for Horses Building
Teen Leaders at the 4-H for Horses Building are essential to our daily operations. They monitor the horses, report any concerns to the coordinator, answer public questions about the 4-H Horse program, maintain signage and orderliness, and support various demonstrations or activities offered on any given day. Their involvement ensures a smooth and educational experience for all visitors.